Monday, February 25, 2008

Been a while

If you're reading this I assume you are feeling excited because I have finally blogged again. Well before you get your hopes up let me just say that I am blogging to ask for grace. I have been overwhelmed lately with Disciple Now and other irons in my fire to the point that I have neglected blogging. However, I haven't given up. I ask for a little more of your patience while I get through this week and I promise to be back on track. It just pleases me that there's someone out there that actually reads them. Well, thank you to whoever you are. There will be a fresh blog coming your way next Monday if not sooner. Thanks again for your patience. 


Thursday, February 14, 2008

The best valentine ever!!!

If your reading this on the day that I wrote it, its Valentine's day! For some, this is a very exciting day. The majority of proposals are given on this very special day of love. For some, its a day that should be forgotten and done away with. Me, I don't think much of it, but I do enjoy making much of my wife. Now I don't need some silly day on a calendar to show my beloved my appreciation. I should show it every day of my life. However, since there is a day to do just that I choose to take the plunge and celebrate. 
There have been many Valentines that i've celebrated and many that i've watched pass right on by due to my single status. Some of you might celebrate the fact that you have a single status and thats absolutely fine. I was wondering what your idea of the best valentine gift would be. I'm not looking for ideas. In fact, I've finished all my valentine stuff for Sarah, but I was wondering what your thoughts or experiences have been. Please write and let me and the other readers know what your special valentine would be or has been. It might just help out some fading relationship out there in cyber-space.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

More Precious than silver...

I must be honest in saying that I'm brought to conviction when I think about what things in my life I place on a higher shelf than my King. There's a popular song called "More precious than silver" that was written in the early 80's by Lynn Deshazo. Lynn, after graduating high school, went off to college at Auburn Univ.. It was there that Lynn really began to grow as a Christian. She practiced spiritual disciplines and made every effort to grow in her walk with Christ. She took a humble job at McDonalds to help pay for her college tuition and it just so happened that Lynn was practicing the discipline of fasting. It was during this time that her boss put her on french-fry duty one Wed. during her fast. Well, the battle of wills began. As Lynn describes, she fought and fought all day not to indulge in the fries and break her fast. However, after hours of battling she looked to her left and then to her right. Once she noticed that no one was looking she helped her self to some fries. Immediately, Lynn was broken hearted and conviction took over. She left that day and repented before God for breaking her commitment . It was at this time that she sat down and wrote the song, "more precious than silver." 
You see, Lynn was convicted over the fact that she placed a french-fry over her King. If we, as christians, take so much pride in who we belong, than why is it that God is placed on the back-burner of our lives? Is He truly more precious than silver, gold and french-fries? I am challenged, yet again, to be sure that God is positioned in His rightful place of supremacy in my life.