Thursday, February 4, 2010

Fighting for Joy

There is no grey area in the Scriptures when it comes to whether or not we should serve the Lord with our good works. In fact, God prepared beforehand the good works that we would do for the purpose of His fame, glory and the gospel (i.e. "For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God had prepared beforehand so that we may walk in them" Ephesians 2:10). However, the question is whether or not it contaminates our motives if we seek pleasure from performing those good works. Some would argue that our only agenda must be to do the work, but not to seek a reward such as joy from said work. The reality is that Christ placated Himself, not only to secure our salvation, but to secure our joy (among many others reasons). The divine joy, as opposed to temporal joy, that we experience has been purchased through the blood of Christ and given to the church as a gift. To deny ourselves of joy is to say no thank you to the cross. Sadly, many are leading joyless lives and although their (the Church) joy has been purchased, they fail to receive the gift. How do we fight for a Joy that's ours? Here is a list of 15 ways to fight for joy that Desiring God posted on their website in 1995. Be challenged and enjoy.

1. Realize that authentic joy in God is a gift.
2. Realize that joy must be fought for relentlessly.
3. Resolve to attack all known sin in your life.
4. Learn the secret of gutsy guilt - how to fight like a justified sinner.
5. Realize that the battle is primarily a fight to see God for who he is.
6. Meditate on the Word of God day and night.
7. Pray earnestly and continually for open heart-eyes and an inclination for God.
8. Learn to preach to yourself rather than listen to yourself.
9. Spend time with God-saturated people who help you see God and fight the fight.
10. Be patient in the night of God's seeming absence.
11. Get the rest and exercise proper diet that your body was designed by God to have.
12. Make a proper use of God's revelation in nature.
13. Read great books about God and biographies of great saints.
14. Do the hard and loving thing for the sake of others (witness and mercy).
15. Get a global vision for the cause of Christ and pour yourself out for the unreached.


Jacob Elliott said...
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Alan Burchfield said...

The true essence of joy can be found in none other than the Lord.

Anonymous said...

This is soooo good, define biblical joy from the Greek/Hebrew.