Monday, December 31, 2007

Pet Peeves!!

I would like to preface this little explosion of informative verbiage by saying I am a fairly tolerant person. Although I encounter situations that provoke violent implosion, I manage (by God's grace) to conduct myself in a manner that accurately portrays my current employment status. In other words I have a few pet peeves. 
lets start with everyone's second home, Wal-Mart. There are a few things that chap my gizzard when indulging in the Wal-Mart experience. One, is slow cashiers. Not slow because they are cautious to do the job well, but slow because they are chit-chatting with the cashier 4 rows down. Which leads into another pet peeve. To few cashiers! Get more of them.  Finally, and probably the biggest is leaving the shopping carts out in the parking lot. Please, push the cart back to the cart rack so that we don't have any rogue carts flying into vehicles or blocking spots to park. If you are parked really far away from the outside rack, park closer to the rack initially. For those of you not driving yet, practice this so that you will be a better citizen when your moment of truths arrives.
Now that I've mentioned parking lots, I feel the need to divulge another pet peeve. It seems that everyone is on a quest for the closest parking spot. Although I can identify with wanting to be close, I can't stand it when people will hold up traffic to wait for a spot that will only get them 2 or 3 spots closer than were they could've just parked. By the time they've waited, they could've already been inside on off to the races. 
Those are just a few that typically seem to surface when your at Wal-Mart. Please let me know if I am weird and need to get a life or if you possibly concur with such frustrations as i have shared. For more thought provoking and intellectual conversation, please click here.

Please submit your own pet peeve.



Anonymous said...

My pet peaves are as follows:
1-people who don't understand that it is legal to turn right at a red light
2-people who over pronounce R's when they sing and people who mispronounce T's when they sing
(don't you should not be pronounced donchew)
3- actually that's about it


Jim Collier said...

Okay, here are some of my pet peeves. First, people who make a huge show about something that they think they know everything about but really don't have a clue. Then, when someone who knows better attempts to enlighten them, they just stare and act like it wasn't really a big deal anyway, so why are you correcting me?

Second, I loathe the person who sees that a)everyone is merging into one land and b)the sign says right lane closed ahead and still c)continues to pass everybody and then looks ticked that no one lets them in. This - among every other thing in the known universe - makes me postal. I'm seeing red just thinking about it. In fact, where are the trunk monkeys when you need them?

Jim Collier said...

Sorry. 2a should read "everyone is merging into one lane," not land. Of course everyone is on one land. Duh!

Anonymous said...

Here are some of my pet peeves. People who bite their nails excessively.People who interupt you when you are talking.People who refuse to turn right at red lights, and people who drive super slow, but when you try to pass them, they speed up.


Anonymous said...

Pet Peaves? Wow that one's easy.
1. People who have Unknown Ignorence
2. People who are Bad Drivers
3. Younglings who challenge people in halo with alot of Smack talk.

Anonymous said...

My pet peeves are folks who get stuck on a tangent or hobby and can't see past it...bring it up in every conversation. People who hint instead of directly telling you something. Folks who get hung up on outward appearances instead of getting to know someone's heart. People who write blogs..that's about it. Christie
P.S. Just kidding about the blog people!

Anonymous said...

Jim brings up a good point. I too am often bothered by those who oppose merging into one land. I mean, why should we have different lands. Is their own land any better than anyone else's land? Why can't we all just live in peace and harmony on one single unified land! Come on people, merge!...Random Man

Anonymous said...

I have a family of Pet Peeves! 4 those of U that kno me U would agree that I've got three constant ones! No offence to some of you guys... but guys with long hair drive me nuts!!! I agree wit Austin to! I hate it when people pronounce T's as R's!! UGH!!!! Well that's bout it...
(Who's t-bach? Jus curious...)

Anonymous said...

My Pet Peeves are:
1. Smacking
2. People who repeat the same
"news" over and over.
3. How I never can find my car keys
And finally...
4. When my youth minister writes
songs about me. (LoL)

From Laura H

Anonymous said...

my pet peeves are
1.people buttin in when youre talkin
2.smaking their gum or there food
3. people who talk to much about therselves
4.people who talk about stuff they have know clue about wat they are sayin..
i think thats it.. i have more jus cant think of

*christiana upchurch*

Anonymous said...

I only have one pet peeve....
okay, only one that I will admit...
...People that don't return phone calls!