Monday, January 7, 2008

Youth Ministry Name

Guys, I've been doing some thinking lately about the possibility of coming up with a ministry name for our youth group. For example, Longview Heights' college groups name is "The Well". The idea is that it is a place to come and draw sound biblical teaching like drawing water. I've also heard of a youth group at Temple Baptist Church in Hattiesburg being called "Refuge". Finally, the college group at Fairview Baptist Church in Columbus is called "The Gathering". 
I would like to have a name for our ministry if  we can find one that best fits us and is not generic or cheesy. In fact, one name that I was tossing around in my mind was "SURGE". Surge is defined as a sudden powerful, forward or upward movement by a crowd or by a natural force. There are potentially thousands of great names we could have to represent our ministry and mission, but I would like to include you guys since this will be the name you'll have throughout your stay in the youth group. 
Once we've decided on a name I will have a sign made and all that fun stuff along with t-shirts so I need some feedback. Please respond to this blog with not only a possible name but with some explanation as to why your idea should be considered. 
Interestedly waiting,


Anonymous said...

"SURGE! surging towards Christ!" could be our slogan! jus a suggestion... \u/ (which means Rock on!) Jessica (not Christie!!:P )

Alan Burchfield said...

Jessica, thanks for the input. You forgot to vote on the side of the page. This will help me to have a numerical idea how people feel about having a name. Not necessarily surge, but a name.


Anonymous said...

How 'bout the God Squad?

Cheese E. Cheeser

Anonymous said...

How about The Path or The Way? I like surge too.

Anonymous said...

how 'bout Alan and the Chipmunks!

Anonymous said...

Surge is the "buzz" word with the troops and also the election. I like it! It will definitely be recognized and get others attention. Christie C

Anonymous said...

I like the Alan and the Chipmunks idea! That's cool! Not literally.... but it would sure catch some attention! ~Jessica~

Alan Burchfield said...

You do realize that making the student ministry name Alan and the chipmunks implies that you and the rest of the students are a bunch of chipmunks. Furthermore, you do realize that chipmunks are nothing more than rodents? Surely, you don't want to be in the same category along with the very beasts that I am fighting in my attic do you?


Anonymous said...

has anyone seen random man?

Anonymous said...

Plz post that random man video on ur blog! PLZ!!!


Anonymous said...

i love the alan and the chipmunks.. i like it! but i like surge also... how about FAITH its my middle name!! but its also the student choir.. oh well do alan and the chipmunks!

*christiana upchurch*

(who wrote that? that is a good idea!)

Anonymous said...

Do the adults have any input?!
I like Surge, but I also like
God Squad alot.

Alan Burchfield said...

Sure, the adults can have input. Perhaps and adults idea might catches the students interest and that is what they like. However, I'll make a final decision or else we'll end up with names like the Alan and the Chipmunks or worse.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I lik SURGE personally... Alan and the Chipmunks was sort of a jokey suggestion... I think (and hope) :P Jessica

Anonymous said...

SURGE is a good one but alan and the chipmunks is a good one also lol pick either SURGE or alan and the chipmunks those are my favs so far!!

*christiana upchurch*

Anonymous said...

PowerHouse or the Fuel, or Aftershock