If your reading this on the day that I wrote it, its Valentine's day! For some, this is a very exciting day. The majority of proposals are given on this very special day of love. For some, its a day that should be forgotten and done away with. Me, I don't think much of it, but I do enjoy making much of my wife. Now I don't need some silly day on a calendar to show my beloved my appreciation. I should show it every day of my life. However, since there is a day to do just that I choose to take the plunge and celebrate.
There have been many Valentines that i've celebrated and many that i've watched pass right on by due to my single status. Some of you might celebrate the fact that you have a single status and thats absolutely fine. I was wondering what your idea of the best valentine gift would be. I'm not looking for ideas. In fact, I've finished all my valentine stuff for Sarah, but I was wondering what your thoughts or experiences have been. Please write and let me and the other readers know what your special valentine would be or has been. It might just help out some fading relationship out there in cyber-space.
We choose to remember those who would get nothing on this day and let them know how special we think they are. The elderly shut in neighbor, the nursing home patients, the relatives we have with no other family...the joys of giving these people something is truly a special treasure!!
Dying for a post........
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